Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Nice Newcomer!!!

Hola Amigos -
This morning, while making my coffee, I noticed a large mixed species flock outside our kitchen window.  I quickly grabs my binoculars to check if there was anything good.  Here is the list of birds that I saw in 5 minutes just standing in one place on our patio: 
White-tipped Dove, White-crowned Parrot, Brown-hooded Parrot, Brown Jay, Montezuma Oropendola, Chestnut-headed Oropendola, Gray-headed Chachalaca, Black Vulture, Turkey Vulture, Green-crowned Brilliant, Violet-crowned Woodnymph, Green Thorntail, Green Hermit, Stripe-throated Hermit, Violet Sabrewing, Spotted Woodcreeper, Plain Xenops, Golden-olive Woodpecker, Keel-billed Toucan, Black-cheeked Woodpecker, White-breasted Wood-Wren, Stripe-breasted Wren, Paltry Tyrannulet, Mountain Elaenia, Yellow-bellied Elaenia, Yellow-olive Flycatcher, Ochre-bellied Flycatcher, Slaty-capped Flycatcher, Dusky-capped Flycatcher, Tropical Kingbird, Social Flycatcher, Gray-capped Flycatcher, Great Kiskadee, Boat-billed Flycatcher, Masked Tityra, Blue-and-white Swallow, Clay-colored Thrush, Russet Antshrike, Tropical Parula, Golden-crowned Warbler, Blackburnian Warbler, Black-and-white Warbler, Lesser Greenlet, Red-eyed Vireo, White-shouldered Tanager, Silver-throated Tanager, Palm Tanager, Blue-gray Tanager, Golden-hooded Tanager, Bay-headed Tanager, Green Honeycreeper, Scarlet-thighed Dacnis, Variable Seedeater, Yellow-faced Grassquit, Buff-throated Saltator, Yellow-throated Euphonia, Tawny-capped Euphonia, Olive-backed Euphonia, White-eared Ground-Sparrow and the...
BIG SURPRISE *** Prevost's Ground-Sparrow***

This new addition to our yard list was #196.

I have been putting out cracked corn for about 2 months now to try and lure in the Black-breasted Wood-Quails that hang out near our house, but not luck thus far.  Instead the Prevost's Ground-Sparrow shows up in the same area that I have been putting the cracked corn.  Coincidence?  I never saw the bird eating corn on the ground, but it was in a tree not more than 20 ft. from the food.  Hopefully this will become a regular sighting for us in Verbena Norte.
The images posted below are of the White-eared Ground-Sparrow that comes in and out of our garden almost everyday.  I would show you pictures of the Prevost's, but I don't have any!
Good birding - Steven Easley

White-eared Ground-Sparrow (from my archives)
White-eared Ground-Sparrow (from my archives)

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