Friday, September 3, 2010

Jackpot - Lucky 777 in Monteverde!!!

Hello Friends,
Sorry I haven't been posting as much as normal lately, but my wife and I have been working on fixing up our new house.  I know that's a pretty weak excuse, but it will have to suffice. 
On Friday August 20 my brother Kevin gave us a call and told us about an Oilbird sighting in the Monteverde area.  Without hesitation he was off to try and find this mega-rare Costa Rican bird.  He called back around 11pm reporting his success.  He said it was very easy to see and the location was very easy to describe.
The next day Magdalena, her brother Aldo Sanchez and your humble correspondent drove to Monteverde from Turrialba on our first real twitch in several months.
While driving up the horrible road to Monteverde we had some problems with our gas tank.  2 bolts had come loose and our tank was dragging the ground under our mistreated car.  The good news was that Vernon Campos and his wife Ivania were about 1 hr. behind us on their way to see the Oilbird as well.  News travels fast when mega-rarities are about!!!  We waited until Vernon caught up with us and rode with him and his wife to the Oilbird spot.  Within about 20 minutes we had our first sighting.  In total we saw the bird or birds 3 or 4 times coming into a fruiting tree, hovering, picking off a fruit and then flying off.  The Oilbird is very distinctive in flight -reminding me of a mix between a tern-kestrel-and a parrot.  I know that's a poor analogy, but it's the only thing I could think of.  Aldo was thrilled - Magda nearly wet her pants with excitement- and I DID wet my pants with my excitement!!!   I now have 777 in Costa Rica and for Magda it was number 761.  May the good birds keep showing up and may Kevin keep calling us with the info!
You never know when or where the next major rarity will turn up..but chances are - it will!!!
Also the next morning we saw some very nice birds, such as:  Three-wattled Bellbird, Resplendent Quetzal, Orange-bellied Trogon, Golden-browed Chlorophonia and many of the stunning hummingbirds in the Monteverde area!  We also got to see a gorgeous Striped Palm Pit-Viper!!!
Good birding, STEVEN EASLEY
Aldo photographing the Striped Palm Pit-Viper
Golden-browed Chlorophonia (photo from my archive)
Three-wattled Bellbird (photo taken in Monteverde)
Stripe-tailed Hummingbird- female  (photo from my archive)

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