Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dancing with the Stars!

Trip Participants - Steven & Magdalena Easley and Wayne & Wanda Easley

It was an early start on the morning of May 20. Around 5 am, but it was just too early to check the clock. In about 20 minutes we were up to our eye-balls in displaying Sharp-tailed Grouse. About 30 individuals arrived at their lek site just as the sun began to rise over the stunning landscape. This is truly one of the most impressive spectacles on the American Prairie.

The males danced around for a couple of hours trying to atract mates. It is almost like they are in a trance as they do their thing. We watched 2 males just a mere 15 feet from our car, completely oblivious to our presence. The only words to describe these dancing stars is -AWESOME!

Excellent Birding, STEVEN EASLEY

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