Thursday, October 14, 2010


Hola Amigos -
I am pleased to announce to the world that we had 3 more new yard birds this morning.
The recent victims were Wilson's Warbler, Spotted Barbtail and a stunning Eye-ringed Flatbill.
The Wilson's Warber was in a small canopy flock in the backyard, which also held Red-eyed Vireo, Blackburnian Warbler, Chestnut-sided Warbler and a lone Common Tody-Flycatcher.
The Eye-ringed Flatbill and Spotted Barbtail were moving with an undergrowth flock at the forest edge.  Other birds seen in the mixed feeding flock were - Plain Antvireo, Tawny-crowned Greenlet - Long-billed Gnatwren - Black-throated Wren - Spotted Woodcreeper - Slaty Antwren - Checker-throated Antwren and a gorgeous male Golden-winged Warbler!
Also, birds have been coming to the banana feeder more regularly - Blue-crowned Motmot is now hourly - Gray-headed Chachalaca - Brown Jay - Buff-throated & Black-headed Saltators - Great Kiskadee - Summer, Palm, Blue-gray & Passerini's Tanagers - Baltimore Oriole - Clay-colored Thrush -Montezuma & Chestnut-headed Oropendolas are all regular visitors.
Good Birding - Steven Easley

Eye-ringed Flatbill
Eye-ringed Flatbill

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